
RemoveNoise removes noise pixels using the Kfill algorithm. The Remove Noise method works only with black/white images (1bit).

Remove Isolated Pixels removes all groups of Pixel Count isolated pixels.
The Remove Isolated Pixels method works only with black/white images (1bit).

Noise Color specifies the "text" color, 0 is black and 1 is white (for example if you have a document where the text is black Noise Color must be 0, otherwise it must be 1).

Pixel Thickening action sets each pixel in the output image to the maximum value of all the current image pixel values.
This filter is typically applied to an image to remove negative outlier noise.

Pixel Thinning action sets each pixel in the output image as the minimum value of all the current image pixel values.
This filter is typically applied to an image to remove positive outlier noise.

Resize. This action resizes the current image. The content of the image changes (stretched to new size).
New Width, and New Height are values, in pixels, of the new size.
You can use the Condition tab to set requested condition (if larger than, if smaller than, if landscape mode, if portrait mode).

Use Width and Height
Resizes the image within the specified width and height. The width and height are resized as close to the specified value as possible while maintaining the aspect ratio.

Use Width only
Resizes the width to the specified value and resizes the height to whatever value is necessary to maintain the aspect ratio.

Use Height only
Resizes the height to the specified value and resizes the width to whatever value is necessary to maintain the aspect ratio.

Canvas size

This method resizes the current image to Width and Height. The content of the image doesn't change (no stretch).
Position specifies the horizontal and vertical alignment of the old image.

The Rotate action rotates the current image.
This Flip action flips (mirrors) the current image across the horizontal or vertical axis.

ChangeResolution changes the DPI of the image, resamping it and setting new DPI values.

Deskewing estimates the orientation angle (in degrees) of the lines of text and rotates the current image.
Apply this action only to images that contains printed text.

Angle Range specifies the working range in degrees. Low values enhance performance and accuracy. For example specifying 30 Deskewing will scan the image searching for pixels inside a range of -15 to 15 degrees. Angle Range can be from 1 to 180.
Precision specifies the angle precision in degrees. It must be >0 and <=1 with only one decimal digit. Typical value is 0.1.
Edge Detect specifies if to apply and edge detect algorithm before detect the orientation.

Deskewing Fine estimates the orientation angle (in degrees) of the lines of text and rotates the current image.
Apply this method only to images that contains printed text. Deskewing Fine use progressive rotations to find the best orientation.

Starting Angle specifies the starting angle, if you know it (0 otherwise)
Resolution is the angle increment (0.1 is good)
Range specifies the angle range (example 10, try from -5 to +5)
Max Quality : if not selected, create a thumbnail of the image and works on it.

Add/Remove margins allows to add or remove margins to image.

Add Soft Shadow
Add Soft Shadow adds a soft shadow (Gaussian Shadow) to the image.

Radius specifies the shadow wide.
OffsetX and OffsetY specify the shadow offset from the image.
If Adapt Size is selected, the image is resized to contain the shadow.
Shadow Color is the shadow color.
Intensity is the shadow intensity, with values in the range 0 and 100 (maximum).

Negative action inverts all colors of the current image.

Color Depth Change

Convert to 24Bit converts a black&white (1bit) image to true color (24bit).

Convert to Gray action converts image to gray levels.
Convert to Gray just set R,G,B channels to the same value.

Convert to BW Ordered converts a true color image (24 bit) to black & white (1 bit) with a dithering ordered method.

Convert to BW FloydSteinberg converts current image to black/white using Floyd-Steinberg algorithm.

Convert to BW Threshold converts a true color image (24 bit) to black & white (1 bit) using a thresholding algorithm.
The image is first converted to gray levels, then all levels that are less of Threshold will be set to black, otherwise will be set to white.

Threshold is an intensity value (0..255).
If Threshold is -1, the threshold value actualy used will be the average of all levels of the original image.
If Threshold is -2, a Maximum Entropy Algorithm is used.

Color Adjust

Contrast 2
This is another contrast adjustment function. Amount assumes floating point values from 0 to 1.

Contrast 3
Applies contrast to the image by lightening or darkening pixels depending on whether they are above or below a threshold.

The Midpoint value determines that threshold, the point at which the Change value influences the pixel value lighter or darker.

When Change values are positive, increasing the Midpoint value darkens the contrast.
When Change values are negative, increasing the Midpoint value lightens the contrast.

Midpoint - an integer between -100 and +100 that determines the threshold of light and dark.
Change - an integer between -255 and 255 that indicates the level of contrast to be applied each side of the midpoint.

Red, Green and Blue channels - If selected, applies the change to this RGB channel.


User Filter
action applies a 3x3 filter to the current image.
Bump Map action applies the bump mapping effect to the current image.
Wave applies a wave effect to the current image.

Swap Color Channel

This action changes the channels order from RGB (default) to the specified one.
New value is a string of three characters, one for each channel ('BGR', 'RBG', etc).
You can also replicate the same channel: 'RRR' or 'GGG', etc.

Change Color
Use this method to force color OldColor to be equal to NewColor.

Crop gets as current image the specified rectangle, cutting off the remaining image.

Auto Crop
removes the border with color like Background Color from the image borders.
The Tolerance specifies how much background color must be equal to actual pixel.
Auto allows to determine the background color automatically.

Auto Crop 2 automatically removes the border using a density analysis algorithm.
Border Rate is the difference between border and text.
This method works only when paper is white and text is black.


Automatic Image Enhancement

Adjust Image Luminosity
Adjust image luminosity calculating the min and max pixels values and stretching colors to the maximum allowed value.

Auto Image Enhance 1
Auto Image Enhance 1 performs complex operations on the image to simulate how humans see the world to make the image to have better contrast and colors.

SumsamplesSize: to make it fast operations are performed on a subsampled image. This parameter specifies the image width.
Slope: slope specifies the core function slope and it is measured in degrees. This value contribute to change contrast. Allowed values 0..90°.
Cut: cut specifies the code function range. This value contribute to change contrast. Allowed values are 0..100.
Neightbour: when the subsampled image is used to change the full size image, Neighbour specifies the window size of the conversion.
High values slow down process but produce better results.

The default parameters was good for our set of test images.

Auto Image Enhance 2
Auto Image Enhance 2 performs complex operations on the image to simulate how humans see the world to make the image to have better contrast and colors.

Auto Image Enhance 3
Enhance luminosity applying a local adaptation tone mapping algorithm.

Auto Sharp
AutoSharp enhances image sharpness, increasing the sharping of detected objects contours.

Hist Auto Equalize
This method equalizes the colors histogram of the selected image.

White Balance - Auto White
Adjust image colors adjusting the white range (try to find the white automatically).

White Balance - Gray World
Adjust image colors applying the white balance algorithm named Gray World.

TIFF File - Tag edit